Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's been a while...

It's been a few days since I've last posted, but don't fret, I've been writing. The first part of Chapter Five of Internal Affair is being written, but my sci-fi / fantasy trilogy has been on my mind lately. I don't believe I ever mentioned a title for the first book, come to think of it. The first book, the sci-fi part of the trilogy, is called 'Nexus'. It centers around a young man, Edwyn, who is thrust into the midst of a raging war and must fulfill a prophecy by finding what is known as Nexus, or the Sword of Time.

I don't want to give out too much in the way of details, seeing as it is ripe for plagiarists (sp?) [I'm really concerned about that, seeing as it has happened to myself and other writers I know]. I know the writing community is better than that, but being as paranoid as I am, I have to cover all the bases, Pembroke-style (frequent readers and reviewers will know what I mean).

Oh, and to H.S. Lennox on AFF.Net, thank you again for your in-depth review. I'm not too familiar with the character of Scarlet O'Hara, though I don't doubt that the character of Josie does resemble her in terms of the way she acts. The whole "I deserve him more" thing tends to unnerve me, especially since I've been in that situation, and it almost destroyed what I have now. It's happening again with Internal Affair, except that what goes on in that story is all in my head.

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