Monday, October 22, 2007

Just thought I should give everyone a heads-up...

I know I've been pretty quiet as of late, but I've been busy both on and offline. First off, I updated Nexus a few weeks ago (almost two weeks ago, to be exact). While on the subject of my sci-fi story, I have found that writing an entire language is starting to become a bit confusing, though I'm not giving up this little challenge. To conquer it, I'm writing a translation "booklet", if you will. At this point, I don't have much, but this is a challenge I have sworn to take up. Have faith in me. As I write this little Avaani translation booklet, I will change the speech patterns of the Avaani in previous chapters in order to keep to form, because I'm such a stickler for detail. I'll try my best to keep any and all of my readers posted on that.

Moving past Nexus, other recent work, Roads Leading Back, has hit something of a roadblock. I know where I want this to head, but I haven't gotten my head wrapped around how I want it to move along. I've been testing several different ideas, but nothing so far. I will work towards getting another chapter up within the next couple of weeks. Fear not, faithful readers. You've kept with me so far in my endeavors, and next only to Internal Affair, James' and Jennifer's story has received the most attention. As I said, don't worry. Their story will reach an end. What end it will be, however, even I don't know.

I also have another story in the works, one that I actually took up in order to clear my head and get my thoughts when it comes to my own stories. Someone actually put up a challenge around the beginning of October to remake a story called The Baby Sitter. Now, the person who posted the challenge and the actual author are different people, and unreachable as well. I have sent Jaxxy an e-mail asking if this, let's say, but I have not received a reply. More than likely I will not proceed with this challenge-fiction until I receive an e-mail from Jaxxy that this is a valid challenge and I can reply to it, or I have enough to warrant an actual chapter. Either way, I will note that the story, and the challenge, were not written with consent from the author of the original story.

Personally, it feels refreshing to work a remake rather than start something from scratch. I find that writing has always been a source of relaxation for me, and rewriting something may clear my head enough to give me that little push I need to move further ahead with my work.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

In response to a review...

I recently re-uploaded the latest chapter of Roads Leading Back, and I felt that a certain reviewer (you know who you are) deserved a proper explanation to their reviews spanning the last few chapters. I should note that this blog entry does not reflect my views towards the reviewer. There was simply too much to add where answers to suggestions are concerned, and since I have unlimited space here, posting my replies here seems more fitting. I should note that in no way am I trying to defend my characters, their choices or their lifestyles. They have already made their choices and acted upon them as befits their character.

The following is an excerpt from a review to Chapter 4 of Roads Leading Back, Crossroads of Conflicting Views:

In chapter 4, it deals with a lot of ethical dilemma I think. I finally agree with Jennifer about Erica's situation and her choice to leave. You know what I've heard if a person gets into a sex business it is usually hard to get out that's why I think it is better if Erica sees other options in life.

Now, if you refer to the proper blog entry (In Regards to Erica and Omi..., dated September 4, 2007), anyone who sees Omi's business at first glance sees it as a sex business. However, not all of Omi's clients' fetishes are sexually based. I have not delved too much into his business into the story because up to and including where the story is sitting right now, the actual business is not important. Omi personally oversees the "training" regimen of each and every one of the women that work for him, should they choose to work for him. Some aspects of this regimen do involve sexual contact, but not all. As seen towards the end of Roads Leading Back: Streets of Uncertainty, we first meet Sylvia playing a dominating role over a female client. Though the woman is naked, there was no sexual contact being made. There might have been before or even after the initial appearance, but, once more, this piece of information does not move plot any.

To continue, the following is taken from the same person's comments to Chapter Five, Boulevards of Sacrifice, Part Two, though I believe it was also supposed to be pointed at its predecessor:

I've noticed that you don't delve deep into the emotion or situation of your characters for long and when you do it is to defend that character's action or choice.

People are very passionate about their own views, and more often than not, get defensive, if not offended, when their views conflict with another's. I'm not saying this because I believe it to be hard fact. I never took professional studies on this sort of thing. I am merely stating this out of observation and experience. Imagine an argument between friends. They have their own separate views on one specific issue, and their conversation steers towards said issue. At this point, they defend their views, mostly to win the argument over the other, but both are firm believers of what they have stated to the other. Now, because they are good friends, their argument reaches something of an impasse, and there is an unspoken agreement that the issue will not be brought up again. Observe the interaction between Sylvia and Jennifer in Crossroads, and you will see an actual example of what I have just described.

To finish off, the following is the same person's review to Chapter Six, Highway of Regret:

Chapter 6, I hope James find out where Jennifer is soon. Doesn't James know his math and it sounds as if he doesn't really know Jennifer as well as he thought. If Omi was such a good guy he should help Jennifer find James. SF Omicron separate yourself from this Omi character because your making his character too grandiose.

James never knew that Jennifer was pregnant, and we have to remember that it's been too long since he's even seen Jennifer, let alone made contact with her. Also, there's always a sense of doubt, as if saying to himself, "It can't possibly be her...could it?" Keep in mind that Jennifer's "disappearance", if you will, was sudden and unexpected. There was no way for Jennifer to find a way to keep in touch with James, especially since his stepfather held no love for her. For all you know, James' stepfather might have seen the letters, ripped them apart and tossed them in the fireplace or the garbage disposal. He never revealed that information to James, and ultimately, we may never know.

Where Omi Cronus is concerned, he is a shameless character insertion on my part. He is a man every man dreams of becoming deep down. If you set aside the character's backstory, he is a wealthy man with a business that pretty much runs on its own, though he loves his business enough to remain an active player in its workings. He is not held down by one woman, and he has plenty of women at his beck and call, if he so chooses to. He has a certain type of fame in the Red Light district for going where no one would dare to. In short, Omi Cronus is a wealthy, powerful person with loyal and faithful women at his side. It may seem way too grandiose for one character, but that all seems to be in the background. All that is being focused on right now is his interactions between himself and the female lead. What will happen later will be anyone's guess.